Added 10.14.00*
One late Saturday night while relaxing to a movie on the television, I
found myself drifting into a dreamy state of mind,it seemed as if I had become weightless,buoyant.I felt somehow disembodied moving upwards,slowly at first,then more and more rapidly spiralling around.
The spinning sensation brought to my mind the image of a shiny saucer shaped space ship into which my weightless incorporeal body was being inexorably drawn.I found myself in the belly of the ship,before me was a round table,the hub of the saucer.Seated around this table as well as myself were four sedate looking gentlemen with solemn beards and a glint of great knowledge in their warm yet wizened eyes.They seemed engrossed in the playing of a curious fascinating game which consisted of throwing colored 'cubes' onto a board made up of colored 'zone' radiating in circles from a central hub mirroring the circular shape of the table of the space ship.I found myself becoming engrossed in watching the progress of the game.I seemed to have an almost telpathic understanding of the rules of this game which was so simple and easy to follow yet so mesmerising.The game came to an end and another one got underway.I found myself almost automatically joining in,no objection was raised by any of the participants,in fact quite the reverse.I felt they were welcoming me into playing the game without needing to voice this welcome."Yes,Earthling,"I seemed to hear a voice saying in my head."We find this game helps to pass time on long and otherwise boring journeys through space and is generally therapeutic for relieving stress".I found out through further conversation that the being I was speaking to was named 'Zak' and the others introduced themselves as 'Meon','Amos' and 'Oso',respectively.I discoverd that they originated from a planet located in the star cluster known as 'Pleiades' and that the name of this amazing game was 'Zilch'! Zak told me that he was 250 Earth years old and this was considered quitw young on his world where they had long since forgotten war and disease was virtually unknown.Meon asked if I would like to hear some music and showed me a panel inset with a selection of various colored shapes,he asked me to touch the color that appealed to me the most.On doing so,music started to play.Meon explained to me that it reflected a certain emotional state and that you unconsciously chose the color to suit your frame of mind,so that the music you listen to was always perfect for the mood.We played game after game of 'Zilch'.The hours took wing and flew away in droves.Then in a lull between games I became unconscious of the passage of time.
Thanks C.S.!
Added 3/3/2000*I live in a suburb of Ft.Worth,TX and at the time I was living on a fairly rural road by Lake Worth lake and I was driving a '74 Chevy Blazer with limo tint windows in the rear, anyway I was dating a young lady who lived off a road called 9 mile bridge road which was out in the less developed rural area, I had taken her home for the night and was on my way back to my house at the time (it was about 1:30 a.m.)when I noticed a light in the upper right hand corner of my mirror. Now, 9 mike bridge is a very curvy road with no street lights and all houses set back at least 50 yards, not to mention that the street is lined with woods and trees all the way down. Anyhow,I saw the light in the mirror and at first thought it was a street light so I looked back and noticed there was not a street light or a house light anywhere on the road. I was going 45 down the road and I kept a watch on the light which didn't seem to move unitl I got to an "S" turn on the road. As I made the turn I looked in the mirror, the light was gone. Then all of a sudden, it came back in the same area, well I had one more turn so I watched and it did the same thing. Then I came to a major highway (Hwy.199) and proceeded to get on it to get home and when I got on 199 I looked in the mirror and it was gone. So I traveled about 4 miles to the road I lived on and as soon as I was on that road the object was back and it followed me all the way back to my house(about 3/4 mile).I turned in my driveway and pulled up to my garage(my house is set about 100 yards off the road with nothing but woods all around it)and I always back my Blazer up so I wouldn't have to turn around the next morning, and just as I got finished parking, there was a bright light that came over. It was so bright that it blinded me to the point that I couldn't see anything around me,but there was not a sound,and the light was gone as it lit up the area. Now trust me, I am a Pro Rodeo Clown and was working security at the time and always carried a Glock 10mm with 170 grain jacketed hollow points with me,so I was well protected. After the light,it was all I could do to get in the house. I was so scared and when I came in I was running from window to window looking out with my gun in hand.My roomate said he had never seen me so scared in all the years he knew me. I couldn't sleep at all that night and can remember every little detail to this day as of 3/29/2000. That was over 10 years ago. Now I'm not saying that anyone has to believe in Ufo's but I know my experience and that's enough for me, and if you caqn tell me of someone that might have had the same happen to them or an organization that is actually interested in people's stories please have them contact me- Thankyou
Thanks to you J.A.!
Added 12.04.99*
*This is one day time experience that I couldn't ignore.About twenty years ago.My brother and his wife and myself and my wife went to L.A. for a vacation...With our rental car,we drove to Vegas and after a few days of gambling we decided to go to Palm Springs...Well we left after breakfast around 6A.M. and headed across the desert.My brother figured out a short cut across the desert on a so called secondary highway,but I was getting concerned after a couple of hours not seeing ant traffic or buildings...Well, we're making good time cruising at about 75-80 miles an hour when my brother starts yelling and swerving onto the side of the road.Thought we were going to spin out in the sand because we were traveling very fast,but we came to a stop half on the road/half on the side and he screams while he's pointing out the passenger side window...There about 150 yards out over the desert hovering maybe five stories off the sand is a huge oval craft...No sound,no lights,dull metal.Our wives are sitting in the back seat screaming like something you've only seen on t.v. I'm numb and scared but I start opening the car door to get out when my wife grabs the back of my shirt and hair,screaming and trying to hold me in the car,but I pull free and run to the safety of the other side of the car.Well, my brother gets out and we pop our heads up and down behind the car watching this huge thing hovering there.The funny thing I remember so well is how our wives locked the car doors as soon as we got out,but screaming to get the f*#*! out of there.I don't know why,but after a few minutes I left the apparent safety of the car and started walking out to the desert...In retrospect I remember losing the fear and wanting to go with them.My brother was screaming and running out a few feet towards me then sprinting back to the car--yelling for me to get the f*#*! back...he once got to me when I was almost under it and tried to pull me back by holding on to my belt.This is all I remember until we were all sitting in the car,watching this quarter inch size light/metallic thing shooting back and forth across the sky.We watched it for about four-five minutes.Until it sort of pulsing on and off very fast then zipped across the sky and disappeared... We were stunned and a little numb(sort of out of it)and comtinued driving.We were all very agitated and talking fast and confused but finally we saw a boarded up service station(just on the outskirts of Palm Springs)and my brother skidded the car up right over the curb because he saw a telephone booth.We both ran into the booth(like little kids-but were in our late 20's)and somehow managed to get in and close the door so the light would come on...This liitle fact is what helped me remember all the above facts.It was pitch black outside and we left Las vegas at 6A.M. on purpose so we could have lunch in Palm Springs and half a day to sight see??? We didn't know who to call and we were still so scared, but we didn't know why.Didn't all we see was a fairly large craft miles away in the desert sky? It was unbelievable and we saw it so well but...We stayed up all night in the first motel that we came to and nervously talked and wondered what to do.We even called our parents at one o'clock in the morning cause we had to talk to someone...It hit me-why did we have to push into the telephone booth so we could close the door for the light???...Don't you remember the wives screaming and locking us out of the car--Yes,Yes-They remembered,but my brother's wife was freaking out and mine was crying...they didn't want to talk about it.And twenty years later...they still don't.
Thank you G.T.!